Ангола - Жирабола

Ангола - Жирабола

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Girabola, or Campeonato Nacional de Futebol de Séniores Masculinos, is the top division of Angolan football. It is organized by the Angolan Football Federation.

The term "Girabola" (literally "spin ball") is a creation of the nationalist, radio broadcaster and sports reporter Rui Carvalho, in 1972, at a time when the Angolan championship was still officially called "Campeonato do Estado Ultramarino de Angola". The name "Girabola" differentiated the competition from the other overseas provinces and was a subtle form of anti-colonial protest.

The league winner and runner-up qualify for the CAF Champions League.


The competition is the successor to the "Campeonato do Estado Ultramarino de Angola".

Between 1975 and 1979, this competition did not take place.

In 1979, the first edition of the post-independence, the competition was played, consisting of 24 teams, divided into groups of four or six teams,[3] in a competition that started on December 8, 1979.

In 1980 the competition was contested by the thirteen teams best classified in the previous season, plus Sagrada Esperança, benefiting from the division of the Lundas into north and south. The last edition to be played by fourteen teams was in 1990.

In 1991 and 1992, sixteen teams participated in the competition. In 1993 and 1994, the number of teams competing was reduced to twelve, because of the civil war that prevented teams from Huambo from participating in the competition.

In 1995 the competition was again contested by fourteen teams. Since that year, the point system has also changed, with the winner of the game earning 3 points instead of the 2 points previously earned.

Since 2010, the championship has been contested by 16 teams.

Анголската Жирабола е професионална футболна лига, която представлява най-високото ниво на футбола в Ангола. Управлява се от Анголската футболна федерация (ФАФ). Лигата е основана през 1979 г. и оттогава е играна всяка година.

Форматът на лигата се състои от 16 отбора, които играят помежду си по два пъти в кръгово състезание. В края на сезона отборът с най-много точки става шампион на Ангола. Последните два отбора изпадат във втородивизионната лига Gira Angola.

Най-успешният клуб в историята на Жирабола е Петро Атлетико, който е спечелил титлата 15 пъти. Други успешни клубове са Примейро де Агосто, Интерклубе и Сагруада Есперанса.

Анголската Жирабола е една от най-конкурентните футболни лиги в Африка. Тя е произвела много талантливи играчи, които са играли в някои от най-големите клубове в света.