Wikipedia - Liga de Elite

Liga de Elite (lit.'Elite League'), previously known as Campeonato da 1ª Divisão do Futebol, is the top division of the Macau Football Association, created in 1973. The league features local players and professional foreign players. Due to the lack of football fields in Macau, most matches are played at the Estádio Campo Desportivo. As with Hong Kong, the league is separate from the mainland Chinese football league system. The league is generally played between January and July of each calendar year.


In the inaugural 2014 edition, Lam Pak, Lam Ieng and Kuan Tai all forfeited from the First Division before the start of the competition. Lam Pak and Lam Ieng withdrew due to the lack of backing from sponsors and Kuan Tai cited budget issues and could no longer afford to pay some of its players. To solve the problem of three sudden vacancies, the Macau Football Association clarified that the two clubs that were relegated in 2013, Kei Lun and MFA Development, were invited to remain, and an additional third team would come from the Second Division. After careful consideration by the MFA, no team from the Second Division was picked, being deemed not competitive enough for the First Division.

Макао - Първа дивизия е професионална футболна лига в Макао, специалният административен регион на Китайската народна република. Тя е на върха на системата от футболни лиги в Макао.

Лигата се управлява от Футболната асоциация на Макао (FAM). Първата дивизия на Макао се състои от 10 отбора и играе по двойна кръгова система, като всеки отбор играе с всеки друг отбор два пъти, веднъж като домакин и веднъж като гост.

Победителят в Първа дивизия на Макао се класира за плейофите в Купата на АФК, втория по големина клубен турнир в Азия след Шампионската лига на АФК.