[11] Мора 4-3 Карлскрона [13] 2017-11-16 18:00

Stadium: Jalas Arena Round: 18

Мора Мора   Карлскрона Карлскрона
3 Pts 3
0 Shots 0
3 Penalties 4
0 Goals on Power Play 33
0 / 4 - 1 / 3


Мора Карлскрона
7 - Defender - Erlend Lesund Henrik Tornqvist - Forward - 92
77 - Defender - Keaton Ellerby Niklas Torgersson - Defender - 6
29 - Defender - Marcus Fagerudd Carl Persson - Forward - 95
22 - Defender - Matias Lassen Joseph Jonsson - Forward - 39
97 - Forward - David Kase Daniel Gunnarsson - Defender - 68
22 - Forward - Matt Bailey Filip Cruseman - Forward - 49
6 - Defender - Steven Seigo Cory Murphy - Defender - 21
39 - Forward - Jacob Nilsson Morten Madsen - Forward - 9
3 - Defender - Brandon Gormley Alexander Deilert - Defender - 54
91 - Forward - Jacob Lagace Marcus Paulsson - Forward - 31
18 - Forward - Emil Aronsson Mattias Guter - Forward - 10
19 - Forward - John Persson Joachim Rohdin - Forward - 72
35 - Guard - Christian Engstrand Konstantin Komarek - Forward - 67
23 - Defender - Tomas Skogs Emil Larsson - Forward - 18
9 - Forward - Andrew Rowe Kristoffer Soder - Forward - 19
94 - Forward - Sebastian Hartmann Emil Lundberg - Forward - 79
30 - Guard - Mattias Pettersson Victor Aronsson - Defender - 4
28 - Forward - Oskar Svanlund Henrik Lundberg - Guard - 30
11 - Forward - Alexander Hilmerson Bobbo Petersson - Defender - 53
8 - Forward - Robin Johansson Joel Kellman - Forward - 17
13 - Forward - Emil Bejmo Johannes Jonsson - Guard - 38
86 - Forward - Mathias Brome David Printz - Defender - 55


1 2 3 OT F
2 1 0 1 4
1 1 1 0 3


  • Goal 1 - Mora IK
  • Goal 2 - Karlskrona HK
  • Goal 3 - Mora IK
  • Race to 2 - Mora IK
  • 2-1: 1st Period Score
  • Goal 4 - Karlskrona HK
  • Goal 5 - Mora IK
  • Race to 3 - Mora IK
  • 3-2: 2nd Period Score
  • Goal 6 - Karlskrona HK
  • 3-3: 3rd Period Score