Шампионат на Северна Америка 2022 06/04 19:40 2 Дани Лауби v Дани Багиш 4-6
Шампионат на Северна Америка 2022 06/04 18:05 3 Мат Кембъл v Дани Лауби 5-6
ЮЕс Мастърс 2022 06/04 02:50 4 Джони Клейтън v Дани Лауби 6-2
UK Оупън 2022 03/04 16:05 9 Анди Боултън v Дани Лауби 6-5
UK Оупън 2022 03/04 13:55 8 Пол Хоган v Дани Лауби 3-6
UK Оупън 2022 03/04 12:30 7 Дани Лауби v Нико Спрингер 6-5
ПДК Световно Първенство 2022 12/16 19:10 7 Уилям О’Конър v Дани Лауби 3-2
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/10 13:35 - Кевин Бърнес v Дани Лауби 3-4
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/10 12:25 - Дани Лауби v Хосе Хустициа 2-4
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/10 11:15 - Крис Гилиланд v Дани Лауби 4-1
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/10 10:20 - Дани Лауби v Браян Раман 4-1
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/10 09:45 - Graham Usher v Дани Лауби 4-2
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/09 13:15 - Дани Лауби v Graham Usher 2-4
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/09 12:40 - Браян Раман v Дани Лауби 3-4
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/09 11:50 - Дани Лауби v Крис Гилиланд 3-4
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/09 10:40 - Хосе Хустициа v Дани Лауби 4-2
Online Live League Champions Week 2021 12/09 09:30 - Дани Лауби v Кевин Бърнес 4-3
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/05 00:35 50 Нейтън Рафърти v Дани Лауби 1-4
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/05 00:10 2 Мат Кембъл v Дани Лауби 4-3
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/04 23:15 - Джим Уилямс v Дани Лауби 3-4
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/04 22:40 - Дани Лауби v Нейтън Рафърти 3-4
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/03 13:35 - Скот Бейкър v Dan Lauby 2-4
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/03 12:25 - Dan Lauby v Себастиан Стейер 4-3
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/03 11:15 - Тибо Трикол v Dan Lauby 2-4
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/03 10:20 - Dan Lauby v Диого Портела 4-0
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/03 09:45 - Ричард Норт v Dan Lauby 4-3
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/02 13:15 - Dan Lauby v Ричард Норт 3-4
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/02 12:40 - Диого Портела v Dan Lauby 4-1
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/02 11:50 - Dan Lauby v Тибо Трикол 4-2
Онлайн Лига На Живо - Седмица 4 2021 12/02 10:40 - Себастиан Стейер v Dan Lauby 1-4

Wikipedia - Danny Lauby Jr.

Daniel Lauby Jr. (born December 11, 1992) is an American professional darts player who plays in Professional Darts Corporation. He is the son of fellow darts player Dan Lauby.



Lauby made his World Series of Darts debut at the 2018 US Darts Masters, where he lost to James Wade 6–5 in a deciding leg.


Lauby went to PDC Pro Tour Qualifying School, entering the 2019 UK Q–School) attempting to earn a PDC Tour Card, but lost in the final on the second day of qualification, thereby failing to win a card.

In October Lauby beat Gary Mawson in the finals to win the CDC North American Continental Cup. This win ultimately lead to Lauby qualifying for the 2021 PDC World Darts Championship.

At the end of 2019, Lauby held 5th place on the CDC North American Two Year Order of Merit and 6th place for the 2019 CDC North American Order of Merit for the year.


In the CDC USA Tour 2021, Lauby won two events and reached a final in six events. Lauby won the first two events by beating Leonard Gates and Gary Mawson, 6–2 and 6–1 respectively, but lost the final of the third event to Leonard Gates, 5–6. He topped the year-end rankings and secured a place in the World Championship for a second year running and a place at the CDC Continental Cup on November 20.


In January 2022 Lauby played again at Q-School He qualified as first of the First Stage ranking for the Final Stage, but still failed to reach his goal Tour Card. But two weeks later he qualified via the Riley's Amateur Qualifier in Chorlton-cum-Hardy for the UK Open 2022, where he lost after wins over Niko Springer and Paul Hogan in the third round to Andy Boulton.


After attending PDC Qualifying School, in an effort to earn his PDC Tour Card in consecutive years since 2018, Lauby finally won a card in 2024 by finishing 6th on the UK Q-School Order of Merit.